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posElement - Variable in class pt.ptcris.utils.UpdateRecord
preElement - Variable in class pt.ptcris.utils.UpdateRecord
ProgressHandler - Interface in pt.ptcris.handlers
An interface for reporting the progress of the synchronization procedures and the comprising tasks.
pt.ptcris.exceptions - package pt.ptcris.exceptions
pt.ptcris.grouper - package pt.ptcris.grouper
pt.ptcris.handlers - package pt.ptcris.handlers
pt.ptcris.test - package pt.ptcris.test
pt.ptcris.test.grouper - package pt.ptcris.test.grouper
pt.ptcris.test.scenarios - package pt.ptcris.test.scenarios
pt.ptcris.utils - package pt.ptcris.utils
PTCRISExample - Class in pt.ptcris.test
A class that exemplifies the use of the various PTCRISync synchronization procedures.
PTCRISExample() - Constructor for class pt.ptcris.test.PTCRISExample
PTCRISGrouper - Class in pt.ptcris
A generic activity grouper for the PTCRIS framework.
PTCRISGrouper() - Constructor for class pt.ptcris.PTCRISGrouper
PTCRISync - Class in pt.ptcris
An implementation of the PTCRISync synchronization service based on the version 0.4.3 of the specification, enhanced with minimal quality criteria.
PTCRISync() - Constructor for class pt.ptcris.PTCRISync
PTCRISyncResult<E extends org.um.dsi.gavea.orcid.model.common.ElementSummary> - Class in pt.ptcris
A class that encapsulates the result of the synchronization procedures for a particular activity.
putcode - Variable in class pt.ptcris.PTCRISyncResult
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